ECE 5745 Section 3: ASIC Automated Flow

Table of Contents


In the previous sections, we learned how to manually run most of the tools we will be using in the course. These tools are shown below.

Obviously, entering commands manually for each tool is very tedious and error prone. An agile hardware design flow requires automation to simplify rapidly exploring the cycle time, area, and energy design space of one or more designs. Synopsys and Cadence tools can be scripted using TCL, and even better, the ECE 5745 staff have already created these TCL scripts along with a set of Makefiles to run the TCL scripts using a framework called mflowgen. In this section, we will learn how to use this automated flow to evaluate cycle time, area, and energy of both the fixed-latency and variable-latency multipliers.

The first step is to access ecelinux. You can use VS Code for working at the command line, but you will also need to a remote access option that supports Linux applications with a GUI such as X2Go, MobaXterm, or Mac Terminal with XQuartz. Once you are at the ecelinux prompt, source the setup script, clone this repository from GitHub, and define an environment variable to keep track of the top directory for the project.

% source
% mkdir -p $HOME/ece5745
% cd $HOME/ece5745
% git clone sec3
% cd sec3

Test, Evaluate, and Pickle the Design

The first step is always to verify that our design works before we start evaluating it. There is no sense in running the flow if the design is incorrect!

% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/sim/build
% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% pytest ../lab1_imul

The tests are for verification. We probably also want to do some preliminary design-space exploration of execution time in cycles using an evaluation simulator. You can run the evaluation simulator for our fixed-latency and variable-latency multipliers like this:

% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% ../lab1_imul/imul-sim --impl fixed --input small --stats --translate --dump-vtb
% ../lab1_imul/imul-sim --impl var   --input small --stats --translate --dump-vtb

You should now have the Verilog that we want to push through the ASIC flow along with Verilog test benches that can be used for power analysis. The test bench uses a stream of 50 inputs where each input is small random number. Make a note of the execution time in cycles and the average latency per multiply transaction for each design on your handout. Take a quick look at the final Verilog RTL and test benches.

% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% less IntMulFixed__pickled.v
% less IntMulVar__pickled.v
% less IntMulFixed_imul-fixed-small_tb.v.cases
% less IntMulVar_imul-var-small_tb.v.cases

Generating an ASIC Flow

In agile ASIC design, we usually prefer building chip generators instead of chip instances to enable rapidly exploring a design space of possibilities. Similarly, we usually prefer using a flow generator instead of a flow instance so we can rapidly generate many different flows for different designs, parameters, and even ADKs. We will use the mflowgen framework as our flow generator. You can read more about mflowgen here:

We use a file to configure the flow. Every design you want to push through the flow should have its own unique subdirectory in the asic directory with its own Let’s take a look at the for the fixed-latency multiplier here:

% cd $TOPDIR/asic
% less lab1-fixed/

There is quite a bit of information in the, but the important configuration information is placed at the top:

# Parameters

at_name = 'freepdk-45nm'
adk_view = 'stdview'

parameters = {
  'construct_path'  : __file__,
  'sim_path'        : "{}/../../sim".format(this_dir),
  'design_path'     : "{}/../../sim/lab1_imul".format(this_dir),
  'design_name'     : 'IntMulFixed',
  'clock_period'    : 0.6,
  'clk_port'        : 'clk',
  'reset_port'      : 'reset',
  'adk'             : adk_name,
  'adk_view'        : adk_view,
  'pad_ring'        : False,

  # VCS-sim
  'test_design_name': 'IntMulFixed',
  'input_delay'     : 0.05,
  'output_delay'    : 0.05,

  # Synthesis
  'gate_clock'      : True,
  'topographical'   : False,

  # PT Power
  'saif_instance'   : 'IntMulFixed_tb/DUT',

The adk_name specifies the targeted technology node and fabrication process. The design_path points to where all of the source files are and the design_name is the name of the corresponding top-level module. The clock_period is the target clock period we want to use for synthesis and place-and-route. Further down in the you can find all of the steps along with how those steps are connected together to create the complete flow.

To get started create a build directory and run mflowgen. Every push through the ASIC flow should be in its own unique build directory. You need to explicitly specify which design you want to push through the flow when you run mflowgen.

% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% mflowgen run --design ../lab1-fixed
% make list
% make status

The list Makefile target will display the various steps in the flow. You can use the status Makefile target to see which steps have been completed. The Makefile will take care of running the steps in the right order. You can use the graph Makefile target to generate a figure of the overall ASIC flow.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% make graph

You can open the generated graph.pdf file to see the figure which is a much more detailed version of the high-level flow graph shown above.

Pushing the Design through the Automated ASIC Flow

We want to use the generated flow to complete all of the steps from the previous discussion sections:

Here are the corresponding commands. Each Makefile target corresponds to one of the above steps.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% make ece5745-block-gather
% make brg-rtl-4-state-vcssim
% make brg-synopsys-dc-synthesis
% make post-synth-gate-level-simulation
% make brg-cadence-innovus-signoff

Instead of typing the complete step name, you can also just use the step number shown when you use the list Makefile target. Go ahead and work through each step one at a time and monitor the output. You can also use the status and runtimes Makefile targets to see the status of each step and how long each step has taken.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% make status
% make runtimes

Make sure the design passes four-state RTL simulation, fast-functional gate-level simulation, and back-annotated gate-level simulation! Keep in mind it can take 5-10 minutes to push simple designs completely through the flow and up to an hour to push more complicated designs through the flow. Consider using just the ASIC flow front-end to ensure your design is synthesizable and to gain some rough early intuition on area and timing. Then you can iterate quickly and eventually focus on the ASIC flow back-end.

We can now open up Cadence Innovus to take a look at our final design.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed/11-brg-cadence-innovus-signoff
% innovus -64 -nolog
innovus> source checkpoints/design.checkpoint/save.enc

You can use the design browser to help visualize how modules are mapped across the chip. Here are the steps:

You can use the following steps in Cadence Innovus to display where the critical path is on the actual chip.

You can create a screen capture to create an amoeba plot of your chip using the Tools > Screen Capture > Write to GIF File. We recommend inverting the colors so your amoeba plot looks better in a report.

To Do On Your Own: Highlight the critical path and some of the key modules in the fixed-latency multiplier. Create an amoeba plot, copy it to the workstation, and open it using the default Windows viewer.

Evaluating Cycle Time

Now let’s explore the critical path in more detail. You can find a summary in the reports generated by Cadence Innovus.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% less 11-brg-cadence-innovus-signoff/reports/timing.rpt

The report shows the critical path through the design. You should see positive slack meaning the design is able to meeting timing.

Path 1: MET Setup Check with Pin v/dpath/result_reg/q_reg_25_/CK
Endpoint:   v/dpath/result_reg/q_reg_25_/D (^) checked with  leading edge of
Beginpoint: v/dpath/a_reg/q_reg_3_/Q       (v) triggered by  leading edge of
Path Groups: {Reg2Reg}
Analysis View: analysis_default
Other End Arrival Time         -0.014
- Setup                         0.029
+ Phase Shift                   0.600
+ CPPR Adjustment               0.000
= Required Time                 0.557
- Arrival Time                  0.554
= Slack Time                    0.003
     Clock Rise Edge                 0.000
     + Clock Network Latency (Prop)  0.003
     = Beginpoint Arrival Time       0.003
     |           Instance           |     Arc      |   Cell   | Delay | Arrival | Required |
     |                              |              |          |       |  Time   |   Time   |
     | v/dpath/a_reg/q_reg_3_       | CK ^         |          |       |   0.003 |    0.006 |
     | v/dpath/a_reg/q_reg_3_       | CK ^ -> Q v  | DFF_X1   | 0.097 |   0.099 |    0.102 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U323     | A2 v -> ZN ^ | NOR2_X1  | 0.047 |   0.147 |    0.150 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U351     | B1 ^ -> ZN v | OAI21_X1 | 0.021 |   0.168 |    0.171 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U352     | A v -> ZN ^  | AOI21_X1 | 0.058 |   0.226 |    0.229 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U367     | B1 ^ -> ZN v | OAI21_X1 | 0.035 |   0.261 |    0.264 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U391     | B1 v -> ZN ^ | AOI21_X1 | 0.115 |   0.376 |    0.379 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U472     | B1 ^ -> ZN v | OAI21_X1 | 0.034 |   0.410 |    0.413 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U477     | B1 v -> ZN ^ | AOI21_X1 | 0.040 |   0.450 |    0.453 |
     | v/dpath/add/add_x_1/U310     | A ^ -> ZN ^  | XNOR2_X1 | 0.043 |   0.493 |    0.496 |
     | v/dpath/add_mux/U9           | A1 ^ -> ZN v | NAND2_X1 | 0.016 |   0.509 |    0.512 |
     | v/dpath/add_mux/U11          | A1 v -> ZN ^ | NAND2_X1 | 0.015 |   0.524 |    0.527 |
     | v/dpath/result_mux/U18       | A1 ^ -> ZN ^ | AND2_X1  | 0.030 |   0.554 |    0.557 |
     | v/dpath/result_reg/q_reg_25_ | D ^          | DFF_X1   | 0.000 |   0.554 |    0.557 |

To Do On Your Own: Since your design meets timing, enter the clock constraint as the cycle time on your handout. Highlight the critical path on the datapath diagram for the fixed-latency multiplier. Annotate each component along the critical path with a rough estimate of its delay in picoseconds. Don’t forget to estimate the register clock-to-q delay and the register setup time. What components are consuming the most time along the critical path?

Let’s now try pushing the variable latency multiplier through the flow with the same clock constraint.

% mkdir $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-var
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-var
% mflowgen run --design ../lab1-var
% make ece5745-block-gather
% make brg-rtl-4-state-vcssim
% make brg-synopsys-dc-synthesis
% make post-synth-gate-level-simulation
% make brg-cadence-innovus-signoff

To Do On Your Own: Enter the clock constraint as the cycle time on your handout. Highlight the critical path on the datapath diagram for the variable-latency multiplier. Annotate each component along the critical path with a rough estimate of its delay in picoseconds. Don’t forget to estimate the register clock-to-q delay and the register setup time. What components are consuming the most time along the critical path?

Evaluating Area

In addition to evaluating cycle time, we also want to evaluate area. While the synthesis reports include rough area estimates, the reports from place-and-route will be much more accurate

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% less 11-brg-cadence-innovus-signoff/reports/area.rpt

The report is hierarchical showing you how much area is used by each component in the design. Do the same for the variable latency multiplier.

Hinst Name                   Module Name                                  Inst Count  Total Area
IntMulFixed                                                                      619    1032.878
 v                           IntMulFixed_lab1_imul_IntMulFixed_0                 619    1032.878
  v/ctrl                     IntMulFixed_lab1_imul_IntMulFixedCtrl_0              63      90.440
   v/ctrl/counter            IntMulFixed_vc_BasicCounter...                       49      69.692
    v/ctrl/counter/count_reg IntMulFixed_vc_ResetReg_p_nbits6_p_reset_value0_0    18      35.112
  v/dpath                    IntMulFixed_lab1_imul_IntMulFixedDpath_0            522     905.730
   v/dpath/a_mux             IntMulFixed_vc_Mux2_p_nbits32_3                      32      58.786
   v/dpath/a_reg             IntMulFixed_vc_Reg_p_nbits32_1                       32     144.704
   v/dpath/add               IntMulFixed_vc_SimpleAdder_p_nbits32_0              270     244.188
    v/dpath/add/add_x_1      IntMulFixed_vc_SimpleAdder_p_nbits32_DW01_add_0_0   270     244.188
   v/dpath/add_mux           IntMulFixed_vc_Mux2_p_nbits32_2                      55      67.298
   v/dpath/b_mux             IntMulFixed_vc_Mux2_p_nbits32_0                      32      58.786
   v/dpath/b_reg             IntMulFixed_vc_Reg_p_nbits32_0                       32     144.704
   v/dpath/lshifter          IntMulFixed_vc_LeftLogicalShifter...                  0       0.000
   v/dpath/result_mux        IntMulFixed_vc_Mux2_p_nbits32_1                      34      35.378
   v/dpath/result_reg        IntMulFixed_vc_EnReg_p_nbits32_0                     34     150.556
   v/dpath/rshifter          IntMulFixed_vc_RightLogicalShifter...                 0       0.000

To Do On Your Own: Annotate each component in the datapath diagram for both the fixed-latency and variable-latency multipliers with a rough estimate of its area in square um. What components are consuming the most area? Compare the area between the fixed and variable latency multipliers. Where is the area overhead coming from?

Evaluating Energy

Finally, we want to evaluate the energy of our designs. To do this we combine activity factors from the post-synthesis gate-level simulation with information about each standard cell. Recall that we ran the evaluation simulator with two different input patterns: 100 zeros and 100 random values. We can use the power analysis steps to calculate the total energy consumed for each pattern.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% make post-synth-power-analysis

We can see the total number of cycles and the energy for each pattern.

  exec_time = 1759 cycles
  power     = 1.57 mW
  energy    = 1.65698 nJ

We can also look at a hierarchical breakdown of where the power (energy) is consumed in the design:

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% less 8-post-synth-power-analysis/reports/imul-fixed-small/power/IntMulFixed.power.hier.rpt

We can see that much of the power is consumed in the registers.

To Do On Your Own: Enter the energy for both the fixed-latency and variable-latency multipliers on your handout.


There is a final summary step which will report the outcome of all of the tests along with the cycle time, area, and power numbers.

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% make brg-flow-summary

design_name = IntMulFixed

area & timing
  design_area   = 1032.878 um^2
  stdcells_area = 1032.878 um^2
  macros_area   = 0.0 um^2
  chip_area     = 13131.888 um^2
  core_area     = 1571.528 um^2
  constraint    = 0.6 ns
  slack         = 0.003 ns
  actual_clk    = 0.597 ns

  exec_time = 1759 cycles
  power     = 1.57 mW
  energy    = 1.65698 nJ

You can also run all steps just by using make without any target, but you should only do this after you have carefully verified that the design meets timing and passes all tests. Here is how to do a clean build from scratch:

% rm -rf $TOPDIR/sim/build
% rm -rf $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed

% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/sim/build
% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% pytest ../lab1_imul
% ../lab1_imul/imul-sim --impl fixed --input small --stats --translate --dump-vtb
% ../lab1_imul/imul-sim --impl var   --input small --stats --translate --dump-vtb

% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% mflowgen run --design ../lab1-fixed
% make

% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-var
% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-var
% mflowgen run --design ../lab1-var
% make

And don’t forget you can always check out the final layout too!

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-fixed
% klayout -l $ECE5745_STDCELLS/klayout.lyp 11-brg-cadence-innovus-signoff/outputs/design.gds

% cd $TOPDIR/asic/build-lab1-var
% klayout -l $ECE5745_STDCELLS/klayout.lyp 11-brg-cadence-innovus-signoff/outputs/design.gds